Thursday, February 10, 2011

Interesting Uses For Everyday Foods

When it comes to matters of the home, we weren't all born as knowledgable as Martha Stewart. Sure, we pick some things up along the way, but be honest- do you really know how to get that ink stain out of your new white shirt?

Alas, this is where food comes in. Not only does it satiate your appetite, energize your mind, body and soul, and even console you when you're down....It can be used for so much more than that. Read on for unexpected and welcome uses for some of your favorite daily treats.

Bananas. Kind of mushy, great with Special K, pretty cute coloring. Before you chuck the peel, look around your kitchen and see if there is any silverware, or even leather goods that need polishing. Banana peels are a great buffer. Put some elbow grease into it- that peel can turn a pair of worn leather shoes, or forks into some seriously shiny stuff. (Worcestershire sauce is a great polisher for silverware as well.)

Bay leaves. They don't really thrill me too much. I suppose they add a nice je ne sais quoi to a soup, but listen to what they can do for your garden! Sprinkle these puppies over your garden beds- and the harmful insects will find another rose bush to inhabit.

Dull hair? No biggie. Try pouring a shot of vodka into your shampoo bottle. I promise, you can spare just one. Vokda doesn't only make you think people look better- it can actually make people more attractive! This gem of a liquor has a ton of other purposes too. Got mold? spray the unsightly stain with some bottom shelf vodka. (Don't think about what it's doing to your insides...) Let it sit for 15 minutes and scrub!

For all you Woodsmen, you're familiar with poison ivy. Next time you get it, immediately pour some vodka onto the aggrivated site. This will wash away the urushiol oil, which is the stuff that keeps you wriggling. Want fresh laundry to last? Spray some vodka on your clothes, and hang dry. Vodka kills the odor in clothes, and drys scentless.

Want long lasting flowers? Pour a teaspoon of sugar, along with a few drops of the goose into the vase. It should help keep your flowers beautiful long past February 14th, lovebirds.

Are you in the mood for a cocktail yet?

Moving along to my favorite bulbous herb. Yes, it is delicious in addition to most any meal, but how is it handy around the house? Splinters are like papercuts. Completely unfair and totally unnecessary-- painful to the touch. Try rubbing some garlic on the splinter. You will be the charmer, the splinter your cobra.

Do you have those pesky little ants in your kitchen? Sprinkle some flour wherever you see ants entering your fortress. (Include your pantry shelves, as they are most likely on a suicide mission to your food.) If flour is too messy, try uncooked grits. (This won't work for pesky Aunts.)

Back to that ink stain. Try blotting the stain with milk. Depending on the type of ink, stain removal may take anywhere between a half hour to a whole day. Patience, my friends.

On these cold February nights, nothing warms you up like a homemade fire. Instead of starting the fire with shredded newspaper, which tends to spit flaming tiny paper pieces around the room, try starting the fire with orange peels. They contain oils that burn longer than the paper- and the citrusy smell is just a bonus.

Add a teaspoon of pepper to your wash- and keep those whites whiter and brights brighter! Onto Pepper's companion, Salt. If you have grease stains on your clothes, work a generous amount of salt into the stain before washing.

Now that we've uncovered the super hero powers of things located in our fridge, the possibilities are endless!



  1. I need something to get a rust stain out of the tub

  2. Jen- try "Bar Keeper's Friend". It's a cleaning product that should get the job done. Try the vodka approach too.
