A great American treat.
For me, popcorn conjures up images of baby deer playing with bunnies. World War II women, starting up their own baseball leagues. Visions of Kurt Russell, navigating a quirky family through pirate-infested seas.
It is arguably one of the most popular snacks of the pop-culture americana world. But, like the unsatisfied, demanding group of humans we are, we want to know:
It is pretty good with salt and butter, but who wants to be that vanilla? Don't be so predictable. In today's day and age, it is encouraged (trendy?) to be different.
Show your colors. Cut that hair. Pierce that lip. Ditch the butter- ditch the salt! Oh, you're craaaaazy.
Start out with your favorite brand of popcorn. You may prefer Orville Redenbacher- that works. I prefer the individual kernels that you pop on the stove. Call me old fashioned. Once you have your fluffy golden goodness in a bowl, jazz it up.
All it takes, is some olive oil, pecorino cheese and garlic.
Heat the oil and garlic in a skillet for about 2 minutes, or until the garlic is golden. Discard the garlic. Or, you can add garlic powder- don't go overboard. In a large bowl, toss the popcorn with the oil, shredded pecorino cheese and salt.
Buon appetito!
Perhaps you have a sweet tooth, but can't get your hands on any leftover holiday carmel corn? No problemo.
Pop your popcorn. Melt some butter. Add 2 teaspoons sugar, and 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon to the butter and toss into your popcorn for a seriously savory, sweet treat!
You can even try to add some hot sauce to your popcorn for a daring edge.
Please, try the recipes, perhaps on Sunday, while you enjoy the Oscars- and let me know how you like them!
Recipes courtesy of Realsimple.com
Hey Keeg's, I have a friend that makes over 30 flavors every week. And have heard of a store in Atlanta that makes over 100 everyday! One of my favorites is French Toast. Keep up the great work.